Today I learned that a 2X10X16 can do a lot of pain to a toe through a shoe. Rusty, my co-worker and I were pulling an order and he dropped the board and that caused it to slip out of my hands and whack right down on my toe. I'm really surprised that it doesn't look as bad in the pictures as it really does in person. Yeah, it is pretty
crazy. It hurts to walk on it and is most annoying because I can't go running right now and I want to.
Yesterday I learned that cars like water just as much as humans. Well not quite, but my car was overheating and I couldn't figure it out for a few days because I noticed that the overflow tank was full. Somehow the tank wasn't pumping the water into the radiator and it needed a gallon of water. I don't blame it for the hot weather we have had lately.
Concrete can be sanded... now that is pretty amazing. Diamond sand paper is cool stuff. My cousin helped me pour a shower base for my shower in my bathroom that I have been remodeling. He let me borrow some cool diamond sand paper to smooth out the rough edges. Concrete in and of itself is amazing because you can build just about anything out of it.
Sanding makes dust! I think that one is self explanitory.
Tile sticks really well! To install the vanity in my bathroom I had to remove one piece of tile that I put in... yeah it stuck so well that it left a hole in the wall. That was okay though because the vanity hides it all. I was amazed at the power of the thinset. I will have to post pictures of my cool bathroom soon! Maybe when I get it finished.
On Wednesday I learned that housing isn't stable. The landlord of the place where I was going to live next semester called me up and said that I should come by his house to get a refund because they had decided not to rent the place out this whole coming school year. Now I need to find new housing. It shouldn't be that hard though.
Scholarship application deadlines were forever ago... but at least I still have a chance for them and they let me turn the application in way late.
Grass always grows. Clothes don't "self wash." Bob, our truck driver always says, "Smile, it confuses the enemy." Someone made the most true statement that I heard recently: They said that prIde ruins man. When prIde is in anyones life they start creating enemies and cause fights and lots of problems. A person must always think of others first in everything. I could go on forever but I think I will stop now.
14 June 2008
-- Last Updated 15 years ago
Good pieces of advice and knowledge!! I'm glad you learned so much today. I hope your toe gets better soon. I can't wait to see your cool new bathroom. And I'm sure the grass and your laundry will still be there tomorrow!! Every day brings new adventures, and we are lucky enough to find out what they are, and how we will handle them, and keep going once they are over!! I'm sorry again for being so emotional today. Thanks for always being there for me and cheering me up!! I sure appreciate all your love and concern for me. I can't wait until I can hug you again and see your wonderful smile!! I love you!!
Ouch, I hope your toe gets better, and Kristen can be emotional because she ended up being SICK! with a fever, which is no fun, 'neither'. I like your stories. Thanks for sharing.
Kristen's mom.
HA!! It shouldn't be to hard to find housing......maybe you should rethink that statement. It's harder than it should be, that's for sure!!
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