The artistic side of me?

I think I just keep getting more and more amazed at my skills in drawing. I just keep getting better and the things I draw are starting to look more real (at least I think). At least you can tell what they are! We've worked with charcoal a lot lately so here's some of my latest charcoal works:
Play toy

^I think this little toy is my favorite one of all.^

Cool vinegar bottlePumpkins!Spheres19 Nov 2008


Anonymous said...

I think you are an amazing artist. I'm basically jealous of all of your skills. You will never cease to amaze me!!! I love you!

Lori Thornbrue said...

Wow, You are very great. My favorite is your toy, too. Congrats!

Lloyd Family said...

Love the toy. That would be a fun pic to put in a baby's room-- in a few years, of course!

The Smith Family said...

Wow you did that??? I have no artistic ability. PS found your blog...I'm a really bad blog stalker :)